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Right Light Center Game Chess Average ratng: 9,3/10 8639votes

This is IM Srinath, and I am back again with the basics of opening strategy. In our, you had learnt the three main strategies that form the part of the opening. Today, you will be studying the first of the strategies, viz. Control of the centre as deeply as we can. Our objective is to have a solid foundation in the openings. Opening Strategy: Control the centre!

Chess Center Game OpeningRight Light Center Game Chess

Dec 25, 2017 The center game is an. (Why would white block his own light. (Why is a 700 rated person trying to teach chess.com something. The center game is an. At the start of a chess game. I discover more and more what it means to be principled at chess. Likewise in software, we at 8th Light have a set of.

I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and try to ignore the rest. -Venus Williams Chess is a game where focusing on your plans is very important if you want to win. Typically, most chess players when they start out focus on attacking their opponent’s king. Beginners have almost an automatic reaction as soon as they sit on the board. Take out your queen, remove your bishop, capture on f7 or f2 and voila! Gradually, as your chess playing strength increases, you play against stronger players.

You tend to realize that it is not that easy to deliver checkmate as it used to be when you were a rank beginner. Is it time for you to despair? The reason why such a primitive idea of directly attacking your target is wrong because you focus on the wrong target! If you do not possess the right goal of attack, i.e. The right plan to attack your target, most probably you will fail to win the game. In this article, we will discuss the primary goal you must focus on in order to win more games: centre of the chess board.

Center-control-dd719f13.png The centre of the chessboard is like the sun, which stands in the middle of the solar system. All the planets revolve around the Sun. In the same manner, the centre of the chess board is the primary goal you should focus on. All the remaining elements like attack on the king, development of the pieces, etc. Revolve around your control of the central squares. Let us have a look at what this means by waltzing through a game by the great American genius and the 11th World Chess Champion, Bobby Fischer. This game was played when he was still a promising junior player.

Fischer, Robert James - Sholomson, Steven 1-0 USA-ch Juniors 1.Nf3 g6 2.e4 Bg7 3.d4 d6 4.Nc3 Nf6 5.Bc4 O-O 6.O-O Diagram #1 Observe carefully the White set up. This is a model position which you must aim to bring in your own games. C6 Diagram #2 Black prepares to attack the White center by pushing b5-b4 harassing the White pieces who are holding the white's center pawns. 7.Qe2 Nbd7 preparing 8.e5 hitting the white center.

Diagram #3 Young Bobby Fischer stops Black from executing his plan by hitting the center himself first. Nd5 9.Bxd5 cxd5 10.exd6 exd6 11.Nxd5 White has gained a pawn, better control over the center and hence is doing very well.

Qa5 12.c4 Nf6 13.Bd2 Qd8 14.Ne7+ Kh8 15.Nxc8 Rxc8 16.b3 Qd7 17.Qd3 h6 18.Rfe1 g5 Black just seriously weakened the light squares in the kingside. White now targets the f5 square making a meal out of it. 19.d5 Nh5 20.Rad1 Rg8 Black is hoping to create an attack in the kingside. However, with the center firmly under white's grip, Fischer mops up his opponent. Torrent Code Quantum Saison 2 Nanatsu.

21.Nd4 DESTINATION 21. Qg4 22.Nf5 Nf4 23.Bxf4 gxf4 24.Nxd6 and after a few more moves, Black gave up.

Did you notice how young Fischer nurtured his center by developing his pieces around it? Lessons from the game: 1. The model position with two pawns on the central squares d4 and e4, the Bishop on c4, Knight on f3 and the castled King. If you dominate the centre, it is very easy to play on any side of the board. How to play with a classical pawn centre? Having a strong pawn centre is like sowing a seed in a fertile land.