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Arikunto (2002, 45) states that research design is a plan or program made by a researcher, as the activity target that to do. So, the researcher also has made a planning for this research that is in this research, the researcher used factorial 2x2 research design. The design can be simplified at the following. Sebelum anda download skripsi ptk full bab ini ada. Sedang cari contoh skripsi Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Skripsi bahasa indonesia (6) judul skripsi. BEBERAPA CONTOH JUDUL SKRIPSI BAHASA INGGRIS 1. IMPROVING STUDENTS' VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH ANIMATION FILM AT SECOND GRADE OF MI AL-FALAH LAWANGANAGUNG LAMONGAN. IMPROVING STUDENTS' READING COMPREHENSION USING NUMBERED. Free Download Skripsi Bahasa Indonesia. Judul Skripsi DAFTAR SEBAGIAN JUDUL SKRIPSI BAHASA INDONESIA. (PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS TERHADAP KELAS VII SMP YAS.

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Pair discussion is a technique of acting in which the actor recalls emotions and reactions of the problem and it is done by two people (in pair). The reactions come from the past experience and use them in identifying with other people. The technique to give the argument, opinion or statement based on the problem. In other word, discussion is the act of discussing or exchanging reasons; examination by argument; debate; disputation; agitation.

The topic for a pair discussion can be anything, from contrasting ways of solving problems, to the reason a science experiment failed to produce the predicted result. After doing the sampling technique, the researcher gets the sample of the research. The sample of the research is the total of the students in class A3 and A1.

Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Indonesia Ptk Smp

In this case, the researcher also uses data reduction to make the total of sample in each class is balance. Some data will be omitted randomly.

The researcher uses data reduction in his research, this will be done base on the students’ result of self confidence questionnaire. It is done to make balance about the number of students each class as a sample. Programs Using Wxwidgets Hello. Based on Basrowi ’s opinion (2010:17), he states that a measurement can be said to have validity, when the content of the measurement is eligible to measure an object which should be measured and suitable with the fixed criteria. Validity means an accuracy of a measurement in measuring data. In this research, the researcher uses validity test to know the validity of questionaire instrument of self confidence. The validity test is construct validity. The questionaire of self confidence is check by the expert.